Welcome to Brahma Mandir
Life is an eternal journey and we see it as we are directed to see it. It is a fact which can not be denied – neither spiritually nor scientifically. We see things in different prospective and other creatures see them in other. This theory is even proved by scientists who work with different creatures – animals , birds and living beings.
Similarly , it is a prospective that we see God – the creator in many forms , but is Brahma – the creator so easy to understand or talk about ? Brahma is the creator of this world that we see and praise about. Even the Lords who manifested themselves were always found praying Brahma. They have included His name in their preaching , Hymns , verses and sayings. Hindu Spiritual World revolves around Brahma , Brahma-mahurat , Brahmalok , Brahmaand , Brhmayuga and BrhamNaad .
Our Guru ji Maharaj
About Our Guru Ji
The Guru ji – Sri Shaktidev ji Mahraj form Kurri village – is a heavenly soul in a human form he is form the lineage of Lord brahma. Rishi Durwasa ji Mahraj was the son of hermit ‘Sri Attri Ji Mahraj’ and Sri Atri Ji Mahraj was one of the children of the Lord Brahma. And hermit Sri Durwasa ji who himself was the Avar of Lord Shiva
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february, 2025
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